SAMPLE I think Brandon Potter and Spoke Media did an excellent job, especially on the Middle Eastern accents. Travel with Rina from Morehead City,

Pre-release sale ends tomorrow! Buy here. “Two From Isaac’s House is global, sophisticated, and intriguing with an exotic setting. A girl seeking one last trek before

CLICK TO ENTER! Goodreads Book Giveaway Heavy Weather by Normandie Fischer Giveaway ends April 02, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win

With the release date approaching–March 15–the Kindle version of Heavy Weather has been approved for pre-order. The print should follow soon. CLICK HERE TO BUY

Y’all know how much fun contests are. Well, this has been a delightful week for my books. Today, I learned that Sailing out of Darkness

Book News: One Finalist and One on Sale!
First of all, the news about four days of 99 cents for Kindle. WhiteFire Publishing has finally put Sailing out of Darkness in the almost-free