What do you think? Does it make you want to read the book?

With the release date approaching–March 15–the Kindle version of Heavy Weather has been approved for pre-order. The print should follow soon. CLICK HERE TO BUY

I’ve been through a million iterations of this cover. Loved one image but couldn’t determine ownership. Loved another but found someone else had used it
(Or, it’s back to school for me.) Editor Linda Yezak donned a flak jacket before writing to tell me what was wrong with the Sailing
Marketing Stage 3: Sailing out of Darkness Book Trailer
What can I say? After yesterday’s fun, I decided to play some more. [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyZDn2ta6Nw[/embedyt] Here is the new book trailer for Sailing out

I love Facebook and my interaction with friends. John Pelkey was the first to come up with actors he thought would be perfect for Becalmed‘s