Michael Fischer is the Captain of Sea Venture. He’s an ex-Navy pilot who dreams of traveling to the moon, building his own jet-powered personal flying machine, and sailing the seas. The first two haven’t materialized–Michael lost his place in the astronaut program when the rules dictated a one-inch-too-short height of 6’2″, and he hasn’t had time to invent his lift-off machine–so, instead, he’s working on dream number three: sailing wherever the Wind of God blows Sea Venture. Michael’s the engineering/mechanical/systems genius who is rebuilding the innards of Sea Venture. He has two grown sons, Zachary and Jason. Contact him at svseaventure at gmail dot com
His wife, Normandie, rates Commodore status, a fun title that lets her pretend she’s in charge, but which really means she gets to do a lot of messing about with all sorts of jobs. She’s been a sailor all her life, still plays with her sharpie, Puff, in coastal NC waters, and is excited to graduate from dinghies to this lovely lady, Sea Venture. Normandie writes, sculpts (she studied in Italy for several years), and adores her adult children, Ariana and Joshua Milton. She is also available to chat with you about the wonderful things God has done in her life: the miracles she’s seen, the blessings she’s known, and the lessons she’s learned.
Sea Venture was our on-the-water home. A Hudson Force 50, she’s 50′ on deck with a long bowsprit from which we can photograph dolphins. A pilot-house ketch, she has two salons, two heads, and, nominally, three staterooms. We like to use the forward bunk area for all the Stuff we take, but in a pinch grandchildren could have fun up there.
As for my history? Well, we all have complicated bits, but I’ve lived in some glorious places (Perugia, Italy, for several years; the Sea of Cortez, VA, DC, CA, SC, and here, in NC), I’m mother to two incredible adults, step-mother to two others, and mother-in-law to one. Oh, and that daughter gave me two of the most wonderful grandbabies, the sweetest little girl and boy in the world.
I am blessed with the love of my life in my husband Michael and, best of all, I serve a rather incredible God. If you’d like to read more, check out these pages: Sailing Odyssey and Samuel’s Story. To see pictures of my early work, click on Once Upon a Time

a favorite picture of us from 2002
Update: April 2024
We’re full time on the creek now as Michael readies Sea Venture for a new home, but what an adventure we had living on board and traveling. God is good, no matter our address, and as we live out our days enjoying the view here and loving up on grandchildren, we rejoice in the time He gives us here, there, and everywhere.

Our full-time cruising life came to an abrupt end when my mama asked me to come home to take care of her. I did. (One does, you know.) We’d always known the day would come (we’d promised years before), but it’s not that much of a hardship. Not with a view like this.
It looks like things are going well for you guys. Are you still carrying the Good News to the folks afloat? Hope so! I find myself on the Executive Committee (Standing Committee) of the Diocese of Western Anglicans and on the Provincial Council of the Anglican Church of North America. I am still worried that someone is going to find me out. Mike should get chuckle out of that . Blessings and Peace. Emery
Emery, Michael was thrilled when I read your comment to him. We are having a grand time, loving Mexico. We’re both impressed by your appointment. Michael promises to keep a zipped lip.
Just got back from a SOMA mission in Uganda. Since Uganda is landlocked you will probably miss it. It is a targeted area for Islam but the Faith of the people there is powerful. Despite beatings and worse they refuse to renounce their Christian Faith. We in the West have no idea of what Islam is doing or ho they go about it. People in places like Uganda know Christ in ways we haven’t seen. The mission was a great spiritual gift to me. Thank you Lord!
Hey Normandie, I found you! My migraine is only a simmer now. Started to read about your God blessed adventures at sea. Told Gary and he eagerly let me bend his ears–both of them! Hope you made it out to open waters okay. At least that what I thought you were doing. God hugs, Linda
Linda, thanks for stopping by. We’re anchored at Isla Coronado right now, which is about eight nautical miles north of Loreto, on Mexico’s Baja coast. Gorgeous waters, occasional breezes, fun times with other boaters. We hope to get in some snorkeling soon.
Perhaps someday you and Gary will get out here, too.
Hi there,
I found ur website online because I was looking for someone with a force 50. I have looked at Cheoy Lee also, but there is a force 50 in Ventura in Calif.
Ive been thinking abt getting a sail boat & drawn to a force 50. I hear good & bad, but you guys are actually doing it.
Have you guys ever written abt the pros & cons of a force 50???
I think I would like to sail around for abt 10 years when I get things set right.
The boat I have now was a coast guard operational facility, but its a power boat, cant go to far haha.
Nice to meet you,, look foward to your comments.
So, Keith, what has happened with your sailboat purchase? We’d love to hear back from you.
Oh I just checked ur email right now… Thx for checking with me, no sailboat yet, I am pulling the engine out of my boat to do some engine compartment work & holding tanks. Also looks like im still working to much in real estate, there are many people that need help from a foreclosure destroying their family, so for now I am helping people get back into owning a home even if they have bad credit. My company slogan is WE SELL HOMES TO ANY CREDIT… I went to the boat show to see whats new, & saw some boats in marina del rey. I met another guy that lives on a 36ft sailboat, I will be helping him make higher interest on his 401K, (I also make money for peoples 401Ks). So for now its only power boating where ever I can take my trailerable cabin cruiser.
Well, let’s hope the sailing begins or somehow coincides with the work. At least, as so many say these days, you’re working!
Hi Michael –
Thanks for the tour of Sea Venture today. What a beautiful boat — it set my mind a-dreaming! I also spent a few moments perusing the blog and it is quite nice. I really enjoyed the “Sailing Odyssey” stories of your times with Sister. Good luck getting back to the water – and enjoy your time in this wonderful town. I can’t wait to come back.
S/V Savannah
Matt, Michael told me how much he enjoyed meeting you. So glad you could make the connection. Let us know where Savannah ends up this summer, and who knows? Maybe we’ll sail into your port.
Be blessed,
Hi there,
I was wondering if you all have heard any good news about the force50.org site?
Thanks for your time,
Hey, Maxwell. Let me write to you privately about this.
Hi Christopher.
It was nice to wander across your name here. I’ve lost your contact information and was hoping to get in touch with you. Email me when you have a chance.
Cliff Earle