Hey, there. My name is Normandie Fischer. I’m a sailor who writes and a writer who sails. (Although, these days that may need to be in the past tense. Age is making me less agile, but I can remember, can’t I?) On the way to here, I edited technical tomes, creative non-fiction, and fiction, and spent a wonderful few years studying art in Italy. Living abroad and learning the language informed my worldview, my stories, and my taste in food, coffee, and wine, but when home beckoned, I returned. I graduated suma cum laude, worked as a sculptor and a teacher, and now I write the sort of books I like to read.
I also have a brilliant husband who’s my best friend, two rather incredible children, and the most kissable, gorgeous, perfect grandchildren anyone can imagine.
Hats–or lack thereof–occasionally define my roles. They also let me hide. (Whatever happened to the hats that adorned every woman’s head in church? I remember the beautiful ones my mama wore back in the day.)

Here we are, the Captain and I, land-living and dining with friends at the Beaufort Hotel in Beaufort, NC
I’m a woman having fun, doing her best to bring smiles and joy to those she loves. And hoping to meet you, yes, you, somewhere along the way to chat about sailing or writing or our great and wonderful God.
How can I do that if you don’t stop and say hello? I’ll answer your note if you’re polite and friendly. If you just want to chat, if you want me to pray, if you’d like to know more about the things going on– write me a note, and let me know.
We’ve had big boats and little boats, messing-about boats and living-on boats. Sea Venture (below at Pebble Beach, CA) was my on-board writing home, the lovely boat Michael and I (and my mama) sailed wherever and whenever we could.

Sailing my Sunfish decades ago with Ariana off Hoopers Island, MD