Enter to win one of five signed copies of the revised Sailing out of Darkness! Goodreads Book Giveaway Sailing out of Darkness by Normandie Fischer

We’ll be discussing Sailing out of Darkness all week long at the Women’s Fiction Writers Association Café on Facebook. Stop by any time to comment

This one showed up yesterday, the third contest I entered, the third contest in which one of my books finaled. Thank you to all the

Book News: One Finalist and One on Sale!
First of all, the news about four days of 99 cents for Kindle. WhiteFire Publishing has finally put Sailing out of Darkness in the almost-free

One of my WIPs begins with a scene taken from my first storm on board Sea Venture. We’d moved the boat from the CA Delta
(Or, it’s back to school for me.) Editor Linda Yezak donned a flak jacket before writing to tell me what was wrong with the Sailing
Marketing Stage 3: Sailing out of Darkness Book Trailer
What can I say? After yesterday’s fun, I decided to play some more. [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyZDn2ta6Nw[/embedyt] Here is the new book trailer for Sailing out

A stone plopped into water formed ripples, creating concentric circles that moved out from the center and subsided gradually if nothing impeded their progress. Whether

I admit it: I’m a terrible blogger. There’s so much else I’d rather do, like work on my next book or read or spend way

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaxui7u9X0g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2q3ttZtUyE My publicist, River Laker of Silver Seas PR, shot these on board Sea Venture at Liberty Landing Marina, where we’d docked while