Giveaway Promo 2b
To celebrate the release of Two From Isaac’s House, I’m offering a fun giveaway via the Rafflecopter form below. There are several ways to enter, so be sure to check it out! The giveaway is open only to entrants from the US, and
the winner will be announced next week.  (*Prize package may take up to ten days to ship.)
Prizes include:
– a copy of my new novel, Two From Isaac’s House
– a beautiful infinity scarf
– a cappuccino mug (so you can sip while you read about Rina, Acie, and Tony in Perugia.)
– a bonus copy of my novel, Heavy Weather
You have six different ways to enter, and you can enter once a day for a greater chance to win!
 Also, leave a comment below, will you, and tell me how you answered the first question? I’d love to chat with you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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14 thoughts on “LAUNCH CELEBRATION and a GIVEAWAY!

  1. I answered the question as “Because it is written by Normandie Fischer”. A great author I have been followed wing for a long time! If I in, the scarf will go to but beautiful wife!

  2. Oh, my, what lovely, lovely treasures. Congratulations, and Happy Publication Day! I cannot wait to read TWO FROM ISSAC’S HOUSE. The story sounds fascinating… and I love your books! Thank you for this wonderful chance. Happy reading and writing.

  3. After reading your post on Ane Mulligan’s blog, I was surprised and saddened that after winning an award it didn’t sell well. My husband served in the Gulf War and, actually, suffers from PTSD due to some harrowing events that he was involved in. Many dismiss that conflict, but I see the effects in my own home. Revising and making Hamas an aspect of the story definitely gives it a relevant stance. Regardless, I journeyed over here after adding the story to my Amazon wish list. I truly wish you success with the book and look forward to reading it.

    1. Terrill, thank you so much for writing and sharing a little of your story. I am so sorry that your husband suffers yet from wartime events, because I’m certain his suffering affects more than merely himself. I will pray for you all, especially that he find help to overcome the trauma; I don’t believe anyone returns unscathed from battle.

      I hope you enjoy the book. I’m working on the prequel now, a novella telling the story of Tony’s parents.

      As far as the timing of publication: I believe that I’m a better writer than I was back in 1994, because practice really does help hone skills. Although the war involved has changed, the tenor of the book has not. Terrorists were at the forefront of the earlier story; they remain the focus of this one.

      Please let me know if I can pray for anything specific for you.

      1. I guess your previous story was a bit foreboding. It has been over 20 years since the Gulf War and our worst years were from 2011-2014. We’ve recovered for the most part from that time and he is in the Word daily becoming the Man of God that I first married. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words.

        I’ll keep an eye out for your novella. I always enjoy preludes and prologues of the books I enjoy.

        1. I’m so glad your husband is recovering through God’s help. I think that’s the only way any of us can move forward into peace, don’t you?

          Have you tried any of my women’s fiction books? The wars in those are more internal.


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