A stone plopped into water formed ripples, creating concentric circles that moved out from the center and subsided gradually if nothing impeded their progress. Whether

I admit it: I’m a terrible blogger. There’s so much else I’d rather do, like work on my next book or read or spend way
The blog tour set up by TLC Book Tours has begun. They gave reviewers the opportunity to receive and review either book, so we have

You paint a picture, create a sculpture, write a poem or a book. Folk say they love this or that. A few say they don’t

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaxui7u9X0g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2q3ttZtUyE My publicist, River Laker of Silver Seas PR, shot these on board Sea Venture at Liberty Landing Marina, where we’d docked while

Win Books by: Barbara Claypole White, Anne Barnhill, Barbara Davis, Jessica Dotta, Jessica Topper, Laura Wharton, Lynne Hinkey, Robin Patchen, and Yours Truly! The

As I did before the launch of Becalmed, I’ll be posting tidbits to whet your appetite. The actual party takes place on Tuesday, December 17,

Reading and signing at the senior center, boat-party/book signing on board Sea Venture, and talk to English classes at the high school. Such fun!

Here are a few: More to come!
A video interview by River Laker of Silver Seas PR on board Sea Venture in New York harbor. He made this the day after the