I mean, really? You don’t? 

I get it. Maybe you don’t like to read accolades about other people’s books.

I do. They let me know what a reader (at least one reader) thinks — and they usually prompt me to zip over to Amazon to see for myself what all the hoopla is about.

I hope that this reviewer’s words will have that affect on you. (Of course, I do. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t hope that.)

Here’s what the blogger with this delightful signature had to say

Empress-DJ-signatureon Books and Bindings.  She read my book for a blog tour (with TLC Book Tours). Et voilá!

“Five Stars is not a high enough rating for this marvelous book – quality writing of this caliber calls for at least a double rating of 10.  It was breathtaking.  I adored every sentence of this meticulously crafted story, and there was not a wasted word on the 403 superbly written pages.  The narrative was so descriptive and enthralling, I could hear the dog’s bark, see and feel the lightning in the sky, and smell the water in the bay…”

She picked out her favorite quotes and just kept on going. I savor her choices and am so very grateful that my words touched her enough that she could speak of it so. Thank you, thank you.

Click here to read the Full Review on Books and Bindings

Heavy Weather 2

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