Breaking my I-don’t-post-reviews-here rule once again. Obviously, it’s a silly rule, meant to be broken when the urge comes upon me–as it did this morning

I mean, really? You don’t? I get it. Maybe you don’t like to read accolades about other people’s books. I do. They let me know what
Thirteen authors talk about their new releases. Win a book every half hour! Join us! Excellent line-up: 12:00 Lia Mack – Waiting for Paint to
Women’s Fiction Book Club on Goodreads is talking about Sailing out of Darkness this month. In honor of that, we’re giving away two signed copies

Writers know all about waiting. ALL about it. We write a story and submit it. We accumulate rejections. Finally, our agent sells a story and

Y’all know how much fun contests are. Well, this has been a delightful week for my books. Today, I learned that Sailing out of Darkness

One of my WIPs begins with a scene taken from my first storm on board Sea Venture. We’d moved the boat from the CA Delta
Chuck Sambuchin of Writer’s Digest Books edits the GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS and the CHILDREN’S WRITER’S & ILLUSTRATOR’S MARKET. His Guide to Literary Agents Blog
It was River’s turn this time (Silver Seas PR and my go-to guy for marketing). He still thinks the trailer is too long, but he