A stone plopped into water formed ripples, creating concentric circles that moved out from the center and subsided gradually if nothing impeded their progress. Whether or not they ever came to a full stop, Teo wasn’t scientist enough to know. It looked to him as if the molecules touched by movement became propelled in an infinitely wider arc, slower perhaps as they achieved distance, but still there, still moving, still affecting other molecules and pushing them to confront whatever lay in their path. (from page 335, Sailing out of Darkness)
A writer sends her work out like that stone plopping on water, hoping the ripples will touch readers. Rarely have I read a review of my work that showed just how deeply someone had been moved. I hope you’ll indulge me as I share them with you. I am humbled.
From a Goodreads reader came this five-star review:
“Our favorite literary characters are written indelibly into our hearts as we experience them living out the very pains and hopes which have been written deeply onto our souls. Normandie has a gift of writing wounded characters to life, characters who publicly reflect the wounds we keep private. As I read of Sam and Teo’s relational struggles I began to recognize the same struggles in my life. With the turning of each page I saw more and more how my present relationships are dictated and even defeated by my past rejection. Actually, as I connected with Sam I realized that I most likely became a “water person” due to past relational rejection. My boat is my safe refuge from destructive people and pain, but Sam story encouraged me to put my past fears and failures behind me and to step out in faith! This book has restored a hope to my heart, a hope for new and exciting relationships with unexpected people in unplanned places! Normandie, thank you for writing Sailing Out of Darkness!”
I am so very grateful.
And now Happy Resurrection Day to each of you.
He is risen!
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A thoroughly well deserved 5* review Normandie. Considering how much you can touch people’s hearts even outside of your books you shouldn’t be too surprised but your books take the reader on a journey through the unspoken parts of the hearts dealing which it seems have done great things for this particular reader. I’m sure you’ll find there are probably many more in the same situation who just haven’t the inclination to share their innermost feelings in review.
A huge Well Done !
xxx Massive Hugs xxx
David Prosser recently posted..Sunday Outing, antibiotics and steroid boobs.
David, a thousand hugs to you. I’m not sure if readers are silent out of inclination or merely because so few have found the book or even heard of it! (Marketing and I haven’t yet buddied up.) But that it touched this one person has certainly humbled me.
Your words do touch readers. I’ve loved both your books, but I identified more with your heroine in Sailing out of Darkness. Sam had chosen a destructive path and was trying to find her way back. Been there. The characters are so real, I found myself wanting to pray for them. 🙂
Love that, Robin. I did/do the same thing in this next one of mine–I was reading through and wanted to stop and pray that all would be well. Slap to the head to remind myself that I’d made them up…