After a rowdy 12-hour trip south from Concepcion in rather unpleasant following seas but with enough wind to push us at and above hull speed,
Easter SundayMaybe the Lord wanted to bless my mama. Maybe He just decided we’d had enough miserable crossings. I know not, but the day fulfilled
Busy, busy, busy getting ready for sea. Tomorrow we leave for the Baja. So. I will probably only be posting on our sailing blog because
We flew in to Guaymas on the 25th with Mama in tow and spent a delightful week shopping, seeing a doctor — love Mexican doctors!
A former critique partner wrote recently that she owed me a review. Thrilled, I sent her my latest manuscript and told her to read for
Can you see why we love Carteret County? That’s our harbor, with part of the flotilla ready to go! I just received comments from
For all those who got spammed with 30+ emails from this account, I apologize. Again. It seems that when I went in — with a
From Raquel, one of Terry’s other clients ( I learned about Blogger’s free templates. I know, I know: I should have figured these out long
Okay. All right. I concede. It’s victory to those who pushed me to join Facebook. Even with all of the hassles, the stolen blog, the
Another manuscript out of my hands and into my agent’s. Of course, he may not like it, but that’s negative thinking, so I’d rather not