Thursday, we left Isla Coronado in flat seas and motored to Loreto for some shopping, before returning to Puerto Escondido for a day or two
Michael had a birthday, and oh, did we have fun! The poor darling was ill for days, so no snorkeling or much of anything else
Are you tired of making promises to God that you can’t keep? Tired of feeling happy one day and discouraged the next? We just listened
Wind Song followed us out of the bay at Isla Coronado early Sunday morning. The water was like glass, which is fine, but doesn’t make
Do you ever feel discouraged by what is not happening…or by what is? Do you feel overwhelmed by moments whose sole purpose seems to be
The Loreto park rangers arrived by panga this morning to see if we had the requisite passes to be in their water. This was the
Yesterday was a typical Sea of Cortez sailing day as we headed north out of Puerto Escondido. Light winds off the stern quarter encouraged us
Take a look at some of the weather links to the right. We continue to try to improve our ability to understand weather, because until
The hardest part of starting a new manuscript is starting. It’s that first paragraph and that first page. Oh, I can always go back and
Our social life has certainly picked up since we arrived in Puerto Escondido. Pot luck on July 4, dinner out with Dash’s captain Gary last