Look what showed up today!

I love receiving mail. I particularly love mail that reminds me of good things, such as a contest win.

Back in 2011, my story, Becalmed, won First Place for Strong Romantic Elements in the Catherine Contest in Toronto, Canada. Those lovely folk from the Toronto Romance Writers became my new best friends. But somehow the certificate never made the mailbox. Until now.

But good news and fun gifts are always right on time:



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2 thoughts on “Look what showed up today!

  1. Way to go, Normandie! This is like wicked celebrity points! YAY! So happy for you! And yes, I’m overusing exclamation points, but sometimes you’ve just gotta go with the joy, right? Congratulations!!!!

    1. Isn’t it fun? Of course, this certificate went in the file with four others. Ummm…would be happy to parlay those into a contract or two!

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