Y’all have seen this before, back in 2014, when Sailing out of Darkness finaled in the Maggie. Even if Heavy Weather doesn’t win, I

Do you remember that Heavy Weather was a finalist in the Colorado RWA’s Award of Excellence Contest for Mainstream Fiction with Strong Romantic Elements? I adore anything

Isn’t that a lovely button? I woke to find an email announcing that Heavy Weather is a finalist. So fun! And just to remind

This one showed up yesterday, the third contest I entered, the third contest in which one of my books finaled. Thank you to all the

The Georgia Romance Writers are a talented group of women. I’m reading books from the other finalists in the Strong Romantic Elements category of the

Y’all know how much fun contests are. Well, this has been a delightful week for my books. Today, I learned that Sailing out of Darkness