Prelude to VIRTUAL LAUNCH: Day 3
Here we are at Day 3 of the prelude for the Becalmed’s Facebook launch Party on July 1. We’ve met James and Elvie Mae. Today we meet their daughter Rita.
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Third up: Rita Whitlock
Rita Whitlock’s a lawyer. Okay, she still has to take the bar exam, but working for the public defender’s office in Raleigh feels like an exercise in futility. Why can’t she help fix things before the wife gets killed or the kids dropped out the window? So she’s reconsidering her future, especially with everything going on at home and, ooh, the loveliest boyfriend who’s begging to be more than that—and whose mere existence is likely to cause a ruckus when he meets Elvie Mae and James. He is not what they had in mind.
Lots of folk, including her friend/sister in the big house, Tadie Longworth, envy Rita’s fashion sense. Rita knows how to dress, all those silky yellows and oranges to highlight her butterscotch skin. She’s a woman of obvious “class,” even if her pedigree misses the mark for the Daughters of the American Revolution. She figures she owes that to some pretty special folk named Longworth—her other family—and to her no-nonsense mama and the sweetest daddy in the world. She’s been one of the blessed ones, hasn’t she? But can her favored place hold out against a hefty prejudice?
Living in Raleigh means she’s missing a lot of the fun things that go on in Beaufort, like sailing with Tadie and being spoiled, just a little bit, by Mama and Daddy. Oh, and she’s just way too far away from that trouble back home.
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For each unique link to this post, I’ll enter you in a drawing to win a paperback copy of Becalmed along with an e-version! I have ten characters to introduce. After each five, I’ll pull a winner’s name from the hat.
Read more about BECALMED on the PRESS KIT

Save the Date: July 1
Watch for the virtual launch on Facebook, July 1
Giving away books at Becalmed’s Facebook Launch Party from authors C Hope Clark, Kathryn Craft, Barbara Claypole White, Roseanna White, Lorrie Thomson, and Robin Patchen.
(PS. In case the Internet thingies that are supposed to tell me of shares decides to fail us, will you also leave a comment and tell me where you shared this so you don’t get left out of the drawing?)
Your post begs the question: What’s so bad about the boyfriend that Mama and Daddy won’t approve?
Yeah, I hoped it would, Robin! Not telling (though of course you know the answer!)
Sounds very interesting, Normandie! I posted it to my Facebook page.
Thanks, Deb. I’ll add your name to the hat!
This is sounding more and more like a book I’ll be reading… just not sure when! 🙂
Just shared, I think, on facebook.
Tracie recently posted..Tracie Heskett
Added you in, Tracie. Thanks for the share!
Evenin’ ya’ll,
Just shared on Twitter. 🙂
Thank you, Patti. I’m putting your name in the hat, too. If you win, you can give the extra copy away!