Onward and Upward: New Roles and New Hats

I’ve had a lovely time as Executive Editor of Wayside Press, the general market imprint of Written World Communications, but it’s time to hang up that hat as I move forward into new roles. Two of my books release this summer, I’ve more on the hard drive in need to tweaking, and I’m a soon-to-be grandmother.

There’s only so much time in a day and only so much energy given to each of us. I’ve loved working with Wayside’s authors, and I know I’ll miss interacting with all the new ones who will be showing up at the imprint’s door. But none of us is expendable, and if we try to do too much, none of it will be done well.

So, to those authors I’ve met at conferences who had hoped to submit to me, I’m sorry. But I’m sure someone else will take up the slack. And I’d still like to hear from you, to encourage you in your work and to gather encouragement from you!

Editor Hat
Editor Hat

The Editor becomes:

Admiral of Sea Venture as we take to the water again with Michael and Mama and our trip north! Not a flattering photo, but very real as I maneuvered us into Bahia de la Paz, Mexico.

At Sea Venture's Helm
At Sea Venture’s Helm

And this, sailing my little boat on jaunts out to Cape Lookout:

Sailing Puff
Sailing Puff

And this! The author gets to have some fun.

The Author
The Author

As soon as I have pictures that include the grandmother role, I’ll let you know!


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15 thoughts on “Onward and Upward: New Roles and New Hats

    1. I can’t either, Lynne! I have a file on my desktop of the ultrasound pics so far. The file is called Our Baby. My mama, at 85, is over the moon with the idea of a great-grand on the way! So, we’ll get pictures of her at the same time.

    1. Deborah, picture it. We’ll be on Sea Venture, lumbering up the ICW, with the birth ahead and stops to share books on the way. My mama is so excited, she can’t stop talking about it!

      Thank you for your encouragement!

    1. Thank you, Julia. So glad to meet you, too. I adore Writer Unboxed, both on Facebook and on the blog. Hope to meet many of our Tribe as I travel this summer and fall!

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