I talk about words skittering off the page over at Southern Writers Magazine today. I hope you’ll visit and let me know how you find your words again.




Step One: Staring at water
Step One: Staring at water

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6 thoughts on “When Words Hide

  1. Love the bit about southern rejections. Yes, making a list is writing. So are these comments I’m writing now. Right now is my window to write — no time to bide. 🙂 Maybe my biding time is walking through the neighborhood every morning. That’s when I stare at houses. It takes great patience to listen to language; I’ll put that on the list for 2015. 2014’s list is already full.
    If I could find the groove again, I would be writing instead of reading your great post 🙂
    How am I going to attempt getting back in the groove (after 4 months away from this project) again? I’m going to try to remember what I learned the last 2 months as I wrote several 300 word stories under deadline. It’s a start. I’ll approach this current WIP scene by scene. In each moment, what does the character want? What is standing in the way? What is he/she feeling? I need to get lost in words today to ignore the reality around me for awhile. I can choose to get lost in someone else’s words (read a good book) or in my own (write–and hope it’s a good book).

    1. Good for you, Tracie! It sounds as if your biding is paying off, because you have a plan. I find that sometimes when I’m lost in someone else’s words, inspiration hits so hard that I’ve got to put aside their work and hit the keyboard. And in recent days, as I’ve been plugging away at a rewrite, all I can think of is the next book, one that’s starting to speak in my head. Oh, that I may finish this one and move forward!

      1. I couldn’t agree more, re: a new idea begging for attention. One of the stories I wrote before the holidays wants to be expanded and given its own space. Yes, reading a good book often inspires me to go write my own. Reading a not-so-good book makes me think “I can do better.” Today I’m also doing a bit of rewriting. I have so many versions of parts of this novel that compiling them seems like a good way to get back into the story after the time away.
        Best wishes on your rewriting! (and lots of tea and crumpets to go with — I’ve got my tea here, with just a few chocolate covered nuts)

        1. Dark chocolate covered nuts? Love that dark chocolate. My husband is very, very good and keeps me supplied so that I can nibble a tiny bit every day!

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